Meeting the ship
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Kumanyaev Gennady

Meeting the ship

Lot 50 Year: 2020
Material, technique: Acrylic on canvas
Size: 125 х 115 cm
Estimate: $3333 Start bidding: $2500 SOLD FOR $2917

Gennady Kumanyaev is known for his seaside landscapes, in which he depicts views of coastlines, bays and ships. Taking a deeper look at this works, one might notice a tension between saturated contrasting colors and almost impressionistic vibrations of light. Suddenly the typical characters in the artist’s canvases literally explode acquiring the hot sensuality of abstraction. Patterns, layers of paint, a breaking surface, signs of the former figurativeness that appear here and there, and the main thing, which is color. In the vortex of everything a powerful stream of sensation arises. Perhaps the artist created this work under the impression of a specific event: the value of abstraction lies in the ability to contain and reflect a state that goes beyond a certain situation.

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