Maxim Bashev
Lot 63 Year: 2019Material, technique: Acrylic on canvas, mixed media
Size: 100 х 130 cm Estimate: $18750 Start bidding: $17500
Maxim Bashev is a famous Russian artist, the author of Avant-Gardist and Avant-Gardist 2. Maxim lives and works in Moscow. In his works, he turns to neo-expressionism and “endless talks about art”. The expressiveness of the troubling color combinations, complexity of the text and graphic elements make the artist’s works easily recognizable. Maxim is a participant of over 40 Russian and foreign exhibitions, including Art Basel (Basel, Switzerland), Aldo Castillo Gallery (Chicago, USA); his works are in the collections of the Moscow Museum of Modern Art; Volheiben Calw and Red Line Gallery (Germany). Sticking to his signature style, this time the artist dissects the image of the art idol — the portrait of Mona Lisa. The viewer can find emblematic and symbolic connotations, but none of them play the leading role. To understand Bashev’s attitude to the object, one has to find, within the internal structure, a kind of inner space or scene where one image overlaps another to confirm that excellent art touches a raw nerve and makes the heart pound. Pedantic consistency and chronology are sacrificed for the intense experience.