Kirill Stefanov
Lot 48 Year: 2015Material, technique: Acrylic on canvas
Size: 120 х 80 cm Estimate: $2917 Start bidding: $1667 SOLD FOR $2708
Kirill Stefanov is a Moscow street artist, a member of the ZukClub art group. The artist has a wide portfolio of personal and commercial works, both in Russia and abroad. His most ambitious projects include a skatepark in Lugano, Switzerland; portraits of Eisenstein, Skryabin, and Bulgakov on buildings in the heart of Moscow; Cage mural in the Museum of Street Art (St. Petersburg). Lately, he has practiced easel painting transferring the dominants characteristic of street art to the canvas. Street art no longer wants to remain on the streets – anger and marginal environment have smoothed and followed the desire to become a full-fledged genre of contemporary art, to be studied, to get into museum collections. Radical manifestos have become a thing of the past resonating in the air as loud cries “Jiggers!” thus announcing police approach. In the events of 2015, structural violence was scaled and highlighted the suppression of street art allowing the author to use two semantic fields. Photography mockup amazingly emphasizes the ironic shift in the political confrontation.