Anastasia Kuznetsova-Ruf
Lot 57 Year: 2020Material, technique: Charcoal pencil and tempera on canvas
Size: 65 х 70 cm Estimate: $7292 Start bidding: $6042
Anastasia Kuznetsova-Ruf is a contemporary Russian artist and a graduate of the Institute of Contemporary Art Moscow (ICA) and the Surikov Moscow State Academic Art Institute. Anastasia was listed among the TOP-100 recognized artists (according to the InArt project) and the Best Contemporary Artists of Russia (according to the ARTEEX). Her works have been listed on VLADEY auction. Thanks to the artist’s favorite technique of clearing of space, when the main part of the picture is only conventionally separated from the background, the work seems to be alive and filled with air. In this case, the main part is represented by a contour and small hooks that, symbolically, hook the audience and create a certain rhythm. This work demonstrates a truly inexhaustible imagination of the artist and the mastered minimalism techniques that create the illustrative image.